Indoor Air Quality
kill up to 99.98% of SARS-Cov-2 in your home or business
With the current pandemic, Indoor air quality is now more important than ever. Our solutions can remove and even kill harmful airborne toxens and viruses such as the SARS-Cov-2 virus which is the virus behind COVID-19.
Aerus ActivePure
ActivePure technology by Aerus has been proven to destroy microscopic pathogens and contaminates in the air and on surfaces. A recent independant study concluded that ActivePure technology killed up to 99.98% of SARS-Cov-2 on surfaces in 7 hours. This same techology is available for your home and can be installed as a standalone unit, or as an addon to your existing HVAC system.
PlasmaAir Products
Commercial air cleaning products to reduce and kill airborne pathogens. 3rd party testing shows a 99% reduction of Coronavirus Surrogate. PlasmaAir products are ideal for maintaining safe and healthy air inside your business or large building HVAC system.
PlasmaAir Applications
- Schools
- New Construction
- Hotels
- Senior Living
- Office Buildings
- Transportation
- Retail

We do ductwork cleaning
Clean air ducts are the foundation for good indoor air quality. Homeowners, and business owners want to breathe clean indoor air for themselves, their guests, employees, and customers. Over a period of time, air ducts can become very dirty, especially without proper air filtration in place. We can clean your ductwork with our duct cleaning equipment while also improving the comfort and efficiency of heating and cooling your home.
Power and steam humidifiers restore proper moisture levels to the air in your home which is a key element to increasing comfort in your living spaces. Proper humidification is also important to protecting your belongings, hardwood floors, and most importantly, your family’s health. Winter months are particularity prone to low humidity and dry air.
Comfort Specialists can evaluate your home’s humitidy levels and remedy low humidity issues.